SCP front page.PNG

If you’re reading this post, then you’ve found your way to our new website - welcome!

With a fresh look and feel, we hope that the new site is fit for purpose as we renew our commitment to be a leading voice within the Anglican Communion for those who have found a home in inclusive Catholicism.

The aim was to design a website that is both contemporary and easy to navigate, so that existing and aspiring members can find everything they need, from information about our vision to details on membership and how to contact local Chapters. We have also provided some liturgical resources, which members will hopefully find useful in their ministries.

One of the most important additions to the website is the new blog, which will provide a space for us to reflection as a Society on the issues that are important to us. Head over there now and read our Provincial Rector’s inaugural post!

This is, of course, a work in progress and if our new website is to remain fit for purpose, then we need to hear from you. If you have any ideas about how we might improve the website, then please complete the form below.

Happy browsing!

Fr Craig Huxley SCP

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